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IX Encuentro Internacional, Ribera del Duero, Juegos Tradicionales y Turismo

IX Encuentro Internacional, Ribera del Duero, Juegos Tradicionales y Turismo, 5-8 octubre 2023

Traditional Children and Adult Games (intelligence/strategy/board games)

Traditional Children and Adult Games (intelligence/strategy/board games)

We are so pleased to announce an international panel on traditional intelligence/strategy and board games on May 28th. And you are cordially invited to our international panel on traditional intelligence and board games. If you believe that you have such unique traditional games in your country, here is the opportunity for you to promote it; Let us help you to promote your sports/or scholarly research, and be a part of an international book publication. After the panel, we will professionally edit the proceeding book and publish it at a well-known international publisher.
Your writing may include (but is not limited to) any type of traditional intelligence and board games (strategy games) and professional work from historical and current application perspectives;

  • Historical & ethnographic concepts
  • Present application,
  • Current rules/regulations/significances
  • Personal retrospectives
  • Any analysis of traditional intelligence and board games.

The presentation can be made in English, Turkish, Russian, French, Spanish
Full Paper in English, APA Style, Times New Roman, 12 Font, Single Space.
If you are interested, submit your abstract online HERE
Adem Kaya, PhD, General Secretary of the Panel Organizing Committee


Next Saturday the 12th of November, the Ricardo Pérez e Verdes Foundation and the Ethno-Lúdico Museum of Galicia are inviting all the peonceros from Ponteces and all those interested to the XI FESTIPOPEÓNS.

XI. International Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) Symposium on Nov 4-5, 2022, Gaziantep, Turkiye

On behalf of the symposium organizing committee, we would like to once again invite you to attend our annual international symposium "XI. International Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) Symposium on Nov 4-5, 2022, Gaziantep, Turkiye". We proudly partnered with many international universities and organizations in the last several years for this symposium. The symposium is organized by a joint effort by World Ethnosport Confederation, Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, Gaziantep University in Turkiye, and Bowie State University in the USA this year.

The symposium aims to conduct scientific examinations and discuss the issues related to traditional sports and games comprehensively and develop sustainable applications for the survival of their existence in line with the conditions of our times. The symposium will be a means of gathering researchers on the subject, producing knowledge, and evaluating existing information with new perspectives, and the presented papers will be printed to contribute to the benefit of the scientific world.

TOPICS OF THE SYMPOSIUM (Some of the topics but not limited to)
• The historical formation, transformation, and transfer of the traditional sports games of the Eurasian nomadic peoples to other cultures;
• The militarily-structure of nomadic peoples in the world and the emergence of sports games;
• Implementation of traditional sports and games in the school settings and physical education
• The role of ethno-pedagogy in the development of ethnic sports of nomadic peoples in the world;
• The role of folk medicine and traditional nutrition in the development of sports games of nomadic peoples in the World;
• Reflection of traditional sports games on the art of cultures in the World;
• Reflection of traditional sports games in written sources, folklore, and literature of cultures in the World;
• The rebirth of ethnic sports games in Turkish peoples and their relatives in Central Asia, the Balkans, and the Caucasus;
• The scope of the etymology- terminology, rituals, evolution/transformation, national characteristics, meaninglessness, cultural aspects, and functions of traditional games and sports in the world.

XXIII Encuentro Nacional de Juegos y Deportes Autóctonos y Tradicionales

XXIII Encuentro Nacional de Juegos y Deportes Autóctonos y Tradicionales.
Del 7 al 11 de septiembre, Hermosillo, Sonora 2022 . Centro Histórico

World Nomad Games

The 4th World Nomad Games will be organized in Iznik between the 29th of September - 2nd of October.

With more than 100 countries attending the organization, the event will be the meeting point of cultures.

Rebatta Tournament

The prestigious Rebatta tournament celebrates the thirty-third edition (24.07.2022).

Brittany Games (C'hoarioù Breizh) 2022

logo Jeux de Bretagne

1ère édition compétitive des Jeux de Bretagne (C'hoarioù Breizh)

The future of traditional games and sports: investing in education


Svetvincenat, 9th to 10th September 2022 The future of traditional games and sports: investing in education

The transfer of knowledge and skills related to traditional games and sports is crucial for their safeguarding. Without players, this cultural heritage has no future. In addition to the natural transfer of skills, which takes place in the family or in the community, formal and non-formal education is one of the key safeguarding measures.
This year's professional gathering, which is being held for the fourth time as an integral part of the Pljočke Festival in Svetvincenat, is dedicated to education and traditional games and sports. What kind of relations they had, what is their status today and what are the potentials of this intersectoral cooperation, are the questions we ask the bearers of this skill, scientists, cultural figures, teachers ...
Presentation proposals of 3 thematic units are accepted:

  1. Traditional games and sports in education: - historical sources - examples of good practice - application of new theories in the development of future curricula / intersectoral collaborations; - manuals
  2. Education as a measure of safeguarding of traditional games and sports: - integration of TSG in teaching with the aim of safeguarding; examples of good practice - formal education challenges in the context of preservation of the TSG; - manuals
  3. Traditional games and sports as a medium of knowledge transfer / as a pedagogical method: - TSG and strengthening competencies in children and young people - TSG and intercultural dialogue among children and young people - TSG and other elements of intangible cultural heritage in teaching

INSTRUCTIONS TO BE SPEAKER: The abstract in Croatian or English must contain the name, surname and contact of the speaker. The abstract should not be longer than 150 words. Abstracts should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The deadline for submitting the abstracts is July 31, 2022. IMPORTANT !!! Lectures are limited to 15 minutes. Speakers are asked to respect the time limit. Papers will be published in the COLLECTION OF PAPERS no. 4.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Tamara Nikolic Djeric, Dr. Pere Lavega Burgués, Dr. Kazimierz Waluch
ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE: Milivoj Pacenti; Tamara Perković, prof; Igor Jovanović, prof


VI Festival de Jocs Tradicionals de Catalunya

VI Festival de Jocs Tradicionals de Catalunya, Trobada de Bitlles de Sis, Reus, 18 I 19 de Juny 2022


Invitation to International Virtual Panel and Call for a book chapter;

19 May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day Ethnosport Competition 2022

19 May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day Ethnosport Competition 2022
Hosted by The Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Dhaka & International Ethnosport Bangladesh Association on 19 May 2022

XIV Encuentro de Juegos y Deportes Autoctonos y Tradicionales

XIV Encuentro de Juegos y Deportes Autoctonos y Tradicionales 2022, Milpa Alta, Ciudad de Mexico, Junio 4 y 5

Premios Deportes y Juegos, Motores Autóctonos y Tradicionales de Canarias

Premios Deportes y Juegos, Motores Autóctonos y Tradicionales de Canarias, 23 Mayo 2022, Teatro Leal, San Cristóbal De la Laguna

Festival for traditional Easter Games, Cyprus

On Easter Tuesday (April 26th), we will be hosting a festival for traditional Easter Games where we expect a lot of participants and guests.

XXII Encuentro Estatal de Ulama

XXII Encuentro Estatal de Ulama, Guamuchil, Sinaloa, Mexico, 26 y 27 Febrero 2022
Federación Mexicana de Juegos y Deportes Autoctonos y Tradicionales

5th Ethnosport Forum, Baku, Azerbaijan

The Ethnosport Forum’s purpose is to inspire the future of traditional sports through valuable ideas shaped in different fields.
The Ethnosport Forum, which will be organized for the 5th time this year, will be held on March 5-6 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

National Open Online Traditional Martial Arts Seminar

National Open Online Traditional Martial Arts Seminar, Pakistan Traditional Sports and Games Association.

National Traditional Sports Games 2021, India

National Traditional Sports Games 2021
To be held at Noida/ Delhi NCR
25-26 December 2021
Disciplines - 3 Officials Nationals (Gilli-Danda, Armsport and Mallyuddha), Gulel, Yoga, Laguri, Rassakasi and more Traditional Sport and Games Festivals.

The Second National Boomerang Championship 2021, India

The Second National Boomerang Championship 2021, India, Adhiyaman College of Engineering, Hosur, Tamil Nadu, 20th-21th November 2021

XX Campeonato Nacional de Pelota P’urhepecha

XX Campeonato Nacional de Pelota P’urhepecha, Oaxtepec, Morelos, 29-30 Oct 2021

District level Boomerang championship, Tiruvallur, India

Photos from District level Boomerang championship which took place at Tiruvallur district.
Thank you INDO-BOOMERANG ASSOCIATION, Partner of Traditional Sports, for great photos.

National Valari Sport Referee Seminar 2021

We'd like to invite you!
The International Valari Federation is a partner of Traditional Sports.

Happy to inform you that INDIAN VALARI SPORTS ASSOCIATION (IVSA), Affiliated with International Valari Federation (IVF) & School Games Federation of India (SGFI) going to organize NATIONAL VALARI SPORT REFEREE SEMINAR-2021 via Online. Kindly request all martial arts masters to support India’s 1st Traditional Art and attend the referee training.

Duration: 3 hours
Date: 31st Oct 2021
Fees for Seminar: Entry Free
Eligibility: Black Belt in any Martial Arts is preferred.
All Participants will get E-Certificate

Please fill the following link to send official invite: 

VII International Meeting of Traditional Games Ribera del Duero 2021

La Asociación Cultural la Tanguilla invites you to participate in the VII International Meeting of Traditional Games Ribera del Duero 2021, which will take place from October 7 to 10, 2021.



Qazaq Kuresi World Cup

Qazaq Kuresi World Cup, Constata, Romania, 10-13 September 2021

The 16th World Horseback Archery Championship

The 16th World Horseback Archery Championship, 18-21 September 2021, Iran

Traditional wrestling event organized by the Traditional Wrestling Federation of North Macedonia

Photos from a traditional wrestling event organized by the Traditional Wrestling Federation of North Macedonia on July 12, 2021. Special thanks to Hamid Bakija, Secretary General of the organization which is a partner of Traditional Sports.

Online International Conference on Traditional Sports and Games

Online International Conference on Traditional Sports and Games
Under: South Asian Traditional Sports and Games Association & Pakistan Traditional Sports and Games Association (TSG Pakistan)
In collaboration with Asian Traditional Sports and Games Association (ATSGA), International Traditional Sports and Games Association (ITSGA)

Zoom Meeting
Date: 30-06-2021 Pakistan Time
3:00 pm

Zoom Link 

Meeting ID: 718 2621 6701
Passcode: Fugcp7



