
I Spot Sport, Traditions, Modernity, Future

I Spot Sport, Traditions, Modernity, Future - joint work: Lietuvos Etnosporto Komitetas (Lithuania), European Integration Group (Türkiye), Latvijas Etnosporta Asociacija (Latvia) and Eesti Kiikinguliit (Estonia).

Željko Bjeljac, Jovana Brankov, Old Folk Sports, Games and Competitions – Preservation, Transmission of Knowledge and Presentation

We invite you to read the book (in Serbian) titled Old Folk Sports, Games and Competitions – Preservation, Transmission of Knowledge and Presentation, by Željko Bjeljac, Jovana Brankov. 

Traditional Games and Sports to Promote Social Inclusion

Methodology for the Application of Traditional Games and Sports to Promote Social Inclusion.
The book was created as part of the OPPORTUNITY project.


Traditional Games and Sports to Foster Gender Equality

Methodology for the Application of Traditional Games and Sports to Foster Gender Equality.
The book was created as part of the OPPORTUNITY project


XALA! Jocs tradicionals de la Ribera d'Ebre i la Terra Alta amb Tradijoc

We are happy to announce the publication of XALA! Jocs tradicionals de la Ribera d'Ebre i la Terra Alta amb Tradijoc.
This is the expansion of the initial dossier of traditional games included in the "TRADIJOC festival" which now includes 35 popular games with more than 50 variants from the regions of Ribera d'Ebre and Terra Alta in 130 pages.
The book, magnificently illustrated, is in Catalan, Spanish and English, and has been edited by the cultural association Lo Llaüt.


E-HANDBOOK, STYLE - Sport Tradition Youth Linked Elderly

We invite you to read E-HANDBOOK. This work is the result of the STYLE - Sport Tradition Youth Linked Elderly (STYLE) project: 26 traditional games with modifications for the needs of the elderly and 5 folk dances from 5 countries (Greece, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Turkey).


Traditional Wrestling - Promoting Traditional Wrestling For Cultural Tourism and Local Development

Guy Jaouen, Antonio Barreñada, Hristos Gatsios, Babis Elisiadis, Anta Tsaira, Nicolae Dobre, Cristian Vaduva, Marko Panović
Traditional Wrestling - Promoting Traditional Wrestling For Cultural Tourism and Local Development



Guy Jaouen, Petar Petrov, Traditional Wrestling, Our Culture

Guy Jaouen, Petar Petrov, Traditional Wrestling, Our Culture, Promoting Traditional Sports and Games, Intangible Cultural Heritage In South-East Europe



Guy Jaouen, Joël Guibert, Indigenous Sports & Games

Guy Jaouen, Joël Guibert, Indigenous Sports & Games, Which Sport Leisure’s For The Society of Tomorrow, Inheritance, Transmission, Diffusion






