Archive events

Traditional wrestling event organized by the Traditional Wrestling Federation of North Macedonia

Traditional wrestling event organized by the Traditional Wrestling Federation of North Macedonia

Photos from a traditional wrestling event organized by the Traditional Wrestling Federation of North Macedonia on July 12, 2021. Special thanks to Hamid Bakija, Secretary General of the organization which is a partner of Traditional Sports.


213239331 343193240634693 7285770970296812289 n

213370627 1178114466013668 4474777996531505601 n

214542263 1286895918379734 1441764553170475605 n

214996983 877519579516083 8621406252836204784 n

215165468 1916903058477256 3745839716473853749 n

215880554 805719766979778 8981157053476129810 n

216288602 335807401319393 8823106530590294881 n

217588965 292685142446781 6954566178455960 n

217617631 355338829286598 3147619129405734912 n

218359591 525305771920743 3739746526221203505 n



