The interest in old sports or so-called regional or folk sports is constantly growing in the world. New clubs and traditional sports festivals are created to preserve and save the traditions of physical activity of nations. Traditional sports in many countries were consciously developed and treated as an element of national identity. In other countries, traditional sports have been neglected and even completely forgotten.
The Foundation of the Institute for the Development of Sport and Education (Poland) has launched a project Traditional Sports related to the presentation of traditional sports, their popularization and building a collection of information on traditional sports in the world. The aim of the project is to promote intangible cultural heritage, which is traditional sports.
We want to present stories, rules of the game, but also photos, videos, results and all possible information on traditional sports of the peoples of the world. We want to present unions, clubs and organizations related to this sport; coaches, players and the most important people involved in this sport. We would like to involve partners from different parts of the world for cooperation, because only together we can effectively implement activities in the field of promoting traditional sports.
We want to create a cooperation network of various entities promoting the heritage of traditional sports, in order to collect information on traditional sports, create a database, promote information on traditional sports, and present to international organizations.
We encourage organizations and individuals, all interested in this cultural heritage of humanity, to cooperate in promoting traditional sports of the world:
1) Like a partner
A Traditional Sports partner has the right to:
- Posting information on traditional sports on the project website and social media related to the project (for the interested function of the editor in social media).
- Publication of compact materials, as well as publishing articles in the Journal of Sport and Recreation.
- Take part in ongoing scientific research on traditional sports.
- Participate in joint initiatives of the Traditional Sports network (eg projects, conferences).
- Using the logo of the Traditional Sports project to promote the idea of a project in undertaken undertakings.
The partner undertakes to:
- To actively promote the idea of the Traditional Sports project using their own communication channels.
- Cooperation in collecting information on traditional sports.
- Active cooperation in promoting traditional sports in social media related to the project (Fb, LinkedIn, Instagram).
- Supporting scientific activity, including assistance in conducting research, organization of conferences and scientific seminars.
- Propose new forms of cooperation in the field of traditional sports.
All partners form the Traditional Sports cooperation network.
So if you agree to cooperate in joint action for traditional sports, we would ask you to send the logo of your organization and a short (half page A4) note so that we can place it on the site.
2) As a volunteer
- Preparation of short articles presenting traditional sports.
We prepare articles about individual sports and place them on our website. We get information from various sources, for example from the websites of clubs, associations and associations dealing with these sports, from direct correspondence with people from these organizations, from publications.
This is a very interesting job, because it is related to the search for information, contacts, especially with different partners. The most important is the credibility of the information, because the Foundation is a member of the ETSGA European Traditional Sports and Games Association (ETSGA), which strongly obliges us to honesty and attention in publishing these articles. The texts are not very long, although we try to exhaust the topic and include in these articles everything that is important about a given sport.
Information is prepared according to a specific scheme (below)
Information structure:
1. Name of sport (game)
2. Name in native language
3. Place of practice (continent, state, nation)
4. History
5. Description (rules, competitors, place, equipment, etc.)
6. Current status:
A) unprofessional sport,
B) sport practiced (associations, results, champions, competitions, calendar masters, etc.)
7. Importance (for practitioners, communities etc.)
8. Contacts (associations, federations, clubs, trainers, etc.)
9. Attachments (documents, regulations, etc.)
10. Sources of information (books, articles, interviews, photo gallery, videos, etc.)
It is important that co-workers report what sport they will describe in order not to duplicate the work of other people. Each article is signed with the author's name.
- Each of your material concerning traditional sports that we will receive (photos, videos, interviews, reports etc.) will be made available on the project website, as well as in all social media, so that the information reaches as many people as possible around the world.
- Cooperation may involve involvement in promoting traditional sports in social media.
- Each person and individual, or an organization cooperating under this project, may receive a cooperation certificate (if they need one).
Facebook Traditional Sports:
LinkedIn group Traditional sports and games:
Instagram Traditional sports: