Archive events

Traditional Children and Adult Games (intelligence/strategy/board games)

Traditional Children and Adult Games (intelligence/strategy/board games)

Traditional Children and Adult Games (intelligence/strategy/board games)

We are so pleased to announce an international panel on traditional intelligence/strategy and board games on May 28th. And you are cordially invited to our international panel on traditional intelligence and board games. If you believe that you have such unique traditional games in your country, here is the opportunity for you to promote it; Let us help you to promote your sports/or scholarly research, and be a part of an international book publication. After the panel, we will professionally edit the proceeding book and publish it at a well-known international publisher.
Your writing may include (but is not limited to) any type of traditional intelligence and board games (strategy games) and professional work from historical and current application perspectives;

  • Historical & ethnographic concepts
  • Present application,
  • Current rules/regulations/significances
  • Personal retrospectives
  • Any analysis of traditional intelligence and board games.

The presentation can be made in English, Turkish, Russian, French, Spanish
Full Paper in English, APA Style, Times New Roman, 12 Font, Single Space.
If you are interested, submit your abstract online HERE
Adem Kaya, PhD, General Secretary of the Panel Organizing Committee



