Lietuvos Etnosporto Komitetas
Our organization was officially established in 2019. But the team has been operating since 2017 after organizing the first ethno games in Lithuania.
The main goal is to develop traditional games in Lithuania by organizing ethno-games every year, changing the city every year so that the residents of another city can see it live.
We are now working on:
Include ethnic sports in the school curriculum;
Incorporate the concept of ethnosport into sports law;
Negotiations so that the President of Lithuania would become the main patron of the Lithuanian ethno-game.
The Lithuanian Ethnoports Committee has set 3 main goals:
- To develop ethnic sports club activities;
- Organize ethnic games every year;
- To include ethnic sports in the Lithuanian school curriculum.
Rimantas Diržius
Rimantė Muižininkienė
Vilius Marma
Yevgeny Belov
Tomas Gervė
Vice President:
Elmyra Baljanaitė Stanevičienė
Stanislav Bajurin
Tel.: +370 679 92665