Xikunahati (Brazil)
- Name of sport (game): Xikunahati
- Name in native language: Xikunahati
- Place of practice (continent, state, nation):
- History:
Xikunahati is a ball sport created by the indigenous Paresi-Haliti people of Brazil. The Paresi-Haliti is part of the Arawak-speaking people of Brazil. They primarily reside in Matto Grasso, which means "thick vegetation" or "great woods." Like many indigenous peoples who encountered European colonizers, lands were taken, and the people were exploited. Around the 1700s, Portuguese colonizers enslaved many Paresi-Haliti to work in the mines looking for gold, and many others were forcibly removed from their lands because they lived among rubber-rich resource areas. Like Aboriginal children in Australia, many were taken to be made "civilized," which was meant to suppress the language and culture.
The sport's origins descend (pun intended) from their sky god, Wazare. During a great feast, he explained to the ancestors of the Paresi-Haliti that the head was the most essential part of the body. The brain controls the body, and the head protects this vital organ. Therefore, they would create a sport to signify the head's importance with a game that only allows the use of the head.
When Europeans first witnessed this game, they noticed its importance outside its celebratory and religious connotations. The Aztecs and Mayans used the Mesoamerican ball game to settle disputes. Xikunahati served a similar purpose for the Paresi-Haliti. However, there is no account of any sacrificing of players like the Aztecs and Mayans may have done. The game prevented violence and bloodshed over land usage or even marital betrothment if there was more than one suitor. - Description:
The game is typically played on sand, which makes it easier to dive head-first when striking the ball. The game is like a netless tennis or volleyball game where each team strikes the ball (made of tree sap) over a central division line. A team earns a point when the ball cannot be returned, or a player touches the ball with something other than the head.
This game resembles a version of net-less volleyball and tennis. However, players can only make contact with the yoga ball with their heads!
The playing area is rectangular with a middle division line.Source: https://www.montessoriphysicaleducation.com/new-blog/xikunahati-traditional-indigenous-sport-of-brazil2023/1/13
When a player strikes the ball with their head, they must sprint to one of the extra players and switch with them. This gives everyone turns to play.
Source: https://www.montessoriphysicaleducation.com/new-blog/xikunahati-traditional-indigenous-sport-of-brazil2023/1/13
The game begins by having one player “serve” the ball to their opponent by bouncing the ball to their opponent. Like volleyball, the team that scored last is the team that serves.
Players can strike the ball with only their heads.
If the ball bounces, they might head it like soccer. Some of the smaller players can bend down to hit the ball successfully if the ball is rolling. However, to create the best hit (which may be required for taller players), one should dive toward the ball, strike it with their head, and catch themselves afterward.
An important note for the players is that they should “call” for the ball. They might collide heads. Limiting the number of players on the court helps prevent those accidents. However, players still need to communicate with each other.
The other team receives a point if the ball touches anything other than the head first.
A team gets the point if they hit the ball and it crosses the other team's boundary line.
A player can only touch the ball once in a row. If a player touches the ball twice in a row, that is a point for the other team. This shouldn't happen if they quickly substitute after hitting the ball. However, a strategy from the other team is to return the ball immediately to the person who just hit the ball, which would cause a double hit. - Current status:
Today, some Paresi-Haliti people are working hard to keep their culture and language alive. One of the ways they do this is by playing the game Xikunahati, which was one of the featured games of the Indigenous Games. The 12th Indigenous Games was held in the capital of Matto Grasso, where the game took center stage. The games featured many ethnic Brazilian groups and dozens of other indigenous peoples from the Americas.
- Importance (for practitioners, communities etc.):
Xikunahati enjoys popularity with neighboring indigenous people of the Paresi-Haliti, who see this game as a symbol of Arawak culture.
- Sources of information :
Madawi, A. (2013). Indigenous Games in Brazil: ‘competition is a thing the west.’ The Guardian News and Media Limited. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/nov/15/indigenous-games-brazil-world-cup-olympics
Padilla. T. (2022). The Sport in Which the Sky Gods Taught Men to Use their Heads. Ara NOW. https://www.ara.cat/estiu/l-esport-deus-cel-ensenyar-als-homes-servir-cap_130_4457133.htmlVideo:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK6JRzq1SyIThe information contained in the article comes from the following sources:
https://www.montessoriphysicaleducation.com/new-blog/xikunahati-traditional-indigenous-sport-of-brazil2023/1/13Source of photos used in this article and gallery:
https://www.serqueux76.fr - Gallery: