Asol Aap (India)
- Name of sport (game): Asol Aap
- Place of practice (continent, state, nation):
Is a popular sport of: Gujarat, Manipur, Tamil Nadu, Andaman & Nicobar islands
- History:
Among the six tribes living in the Andaman and Nicobar islands (India), the Nicobarese are the only tribe who have their own customs and traditions, and their own indigenous games. Two of the major indigenous games of the region are Asol Aap and Asol - Tale Aap.
Canoeing is a familiar activity with the Nicobarese tribals as this was the only means of transport for their journeys from one island to another. - Description:
In Asol Aap, the canoe's length is approximately 100' and the number of participants in each team is fixed according to the size of the canoe. As the race takes place on the sea , and depth of water and current vary from shore side to deep sea, only two teams participate at a time.
- Current status:
At Car Nicobar, this competition is organised by the Nicobar Athletic Association. The number of participants is generally 40 to 90, as per the size of the canoe. The race is about 5 to 6 km, and is conducted in the dry season.
- Gallery: