South America

Palin or Palitun (Mapuches, Chile)

Palin or Palitun (Mapuches, Chile)

  • Name of sport (game): Palin
  • Name in native language: Palin, Palitun (juego de chueca)
  • Place of practice (continent, state, nation):


  • History:

    Spread throughout the Mapuche territory between the 15th and 18th centuries, palin was played from Santiago to Chiloé according to fairly homogeneous regulations and without major linguistic variations.
    Palin is a social gathering that the Mapuche people have practiced for centuries to strengthen political, spiritual and cultural relations between communities (lof) and their authorities (longko). In it, they share games, food and conversation.
    The word comes from the ball with which it is played. In Mapudungun, pali is any round object that grows naturally on trees, or that is made by hand. Palin is then the act of playing with the pali.
    The Spanish chronicler Gerónimo de Vivar, the Jesuit priest Luis de Valdivia, and the writer Alonso de Ovalle, agreed that it was a social rite instituted before the arrival of Europeans to the territory.
    Because in their chronicles they assimilated it to the game of Castilian origin called chueca, nineteenth-century historians such as Diego Barros Arana and Tomás Guevara popularized it under that name.

    The game of palín, circa 1821. Travels into Chile over the Andes in the years 1820 and 1821 : with some sketches of the productions and agriculture ... / by Peter Schmidtmeyer. London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, 1824. 350 pages, [30] sheets of plates, (some in color, folded) / Available in Memoria Chilena.articles 639003 imagen 00

    In an analysis that includes a review of historical, literary and ethnographic sources from 1598 to 1992, the researcher and professor of Physical Education, Carlos López (2011), summarizes the main reasons for calling for a palin:

    Simulate a war to improve skill and resistance in combat.
    • Perform a ritual accompanied by a nguillatun. In this case, the game is not competitive in nature since it is part of a community prayer.
    • Resolve disputes within a community or between them.
    • Recreational sport, played between members of the same lof to prepare for a match.
    • Professional competition, contested by players and representatives of different groups.
    The Spanish invasion and the occupation of the territory by the Chilean State attempted to strip the palin of its social, spiritual and political content in order to reduce it to a sport.

    In order to reverse this process and revitalize its practice, in the second half of the 20th century many communities began to recover their traditional elements and to emphasize their ritual character, attached to the essential norms of religiosity and of the Az-Mapu or Mapuche legal system.
    In this same direction, the Mapuche Museum of Cañete created a paliwe or playing field, intended for the use of local communities and students who wish to learn its practice.
    In 2004 the game of palin was recognized as a "national sport" by the State of Chile, a milestone that allowed its practitioners to create clubs, apply for public funds, and organize their first championship a year later in Santiago.
    Although the declaration expressed an official recognition of great importance for its development, at the same time it affirmed its quality as a simple recreational sport by removing the ritual and spiritual elements that covered its original practice.

    En el texto 2 A

  • Description:

    The ball or pali, with which the Mapuche play palin, was initially extracted from the bulge of an oak tree, which had been torn from the trunk, then scraped and filed until it became a ball with which players pushed towards the opposing team's baseline to win a point.
    It weighed about 80 grams and had a diameter of 6 to 7 centimeters, so a blow to the head could cause serious injuries. To avoid accidents, over time it was made of woolen thread, which was wound and hardened with baits to obtain greater consistency and resistance to moisture.
    Traditionally, the ball was wrapped in huemul skin and buried next to the corpse of a konikō, because it was believed that in this way it acquired the speed of this small wild mouse. With the conquest of Spain, raw materials from cows and horses were introduced for its preparation, and for wrapping, llama and guanaco hair.

    pilka do palin

    Another essential tool in this competition is the weño, a wooden stick, obtained mainly from the bark of trees such as temo, lingue, hazelnut and boldo. Its production is carried out by the palif, who must give it the right inclination and bend so that it adapts to the body and ensures greater dexterity in its movements.


    The game begins when the stick is removed from the hole located in the center of the court. Once in action, each team must push the ball towards the opponent's baseline to score a point.
    Each match was a great event that began with ceremonies, ritual preparations and food in the days before, and in which women, girls and boys, young people and the elderly from the host and visiting community actively participated.

    In order to ensure their victory, the players or palife made their weño and then went to a dagunfe or healer, who applied ointments to the stick so that it came to life and resisted blows.
    It was also common for them to go to the machi to ask who would win. If they got it right, they gained prestige, so they would stand on the opposite side of the team they supported and signal the pali to go in their direction and score points. This rite was known as Maichil Palin and was considered a sort of "barra sagrada".

    Each player had a contender or kon who marked him during the match. This pair of rivals remained in the following matches, so that a bond was created between them that lasted and was strengthened in successive meals and rituals.
    According to Carlos López, the ideal of the young Mapuche was to become a famous warrior and an outstanding palife, so from childhood they learned its rules and practiced it frequently.
    The court could measure more than a kilometer, it was played barefoot and there were no goals, archers or referees. The objective was to advance the ball with a stick towards the opposing goal until it passed through the sector called stripes or txipal, which was equivalent to a score.
    In case of a tie, the points won were lost and the game started from scratch. That is why the games could last up to three or four days, since a team only obtained victory if it scored four points in a row.
    The occupation of the territory by the Chilean State had a profound impact on the palin, as it changed the physical space and the way the Mapuche lived together. The application of the Law of Establishment and Delivery of Land Titles altered the community lands, so the measurements of the court must now be adjusted to the lands owned by each community.
    For example, in the Lumaco tournaments of 1980 and 1981, the paliwe was 180 meters long by 12 meters wide, while on other occasions spaces of 125x30, or 250x20, have been used.

  • Current status:

    The palin is a meeting of the Mapuche people that has changed its traditional meaning due to the conquest and occupation of the territory by the Chilean State. Today the main motivation for calling it is the meeting of relatives and friends for recreational purposes.
    Even so, there are communities that preserve its socio-political meanings and maintain its ritual meaning. For example, in the provinces of Arauco, Bío-Bío, Cautín and Valdivia, the competition is organized for special occasions, such as the new year or wetripantu, and includes a nguillatun and other sacred ceremonies, in which there is also music, dances and a banquet by the organizing community.
    Currently, tournaments are organized in which teams from various communities participate. Called winkapalin to denote their foreign influence, these competitions differ from the traditional game because they include eliminations, finals and a limited time duration.

  • Importance (for practitioners, communities etc.):

    The work of the Mapuche Museum of Cañete is part of this attempt to represent the Mapuche culture as a current one, so the current museographic script gives a central place to the palin, as an intangible and intangible heritage of this people.
    The educational field has been another space for the dissemination of its practice. The pedagogical initiative of Professor Leotardo Matus was continued in the 1980s by Carlos López, who has tried to include the palin in the school curriculum and study plans of the Physical Education degree at the Catholic University of Valparaíso.
    For its part, the book Juguemos al Palin. Aukantuaín Palín Mew (2005) recounts the experience of teaching the game in a school in La Pintana in Santiago, and concludes the important role it plays in the revaluation and recognition of the Mapuche culture in girls and boys who live in the city.
    These urban dissemination instances have expanded their degree of impact, which is evident in the greater number of women as palife. Its rescue seeks to integrate the new ways of life of the Mapuche and to circulate this ancestral heritage among the new generations.

  • Sources of information :

    CASTILLO, M., CONTRERAS P., Tapia, V., Villablanca, C. (2005). Juguemos al Palin. Aukantuaín Palín Mew, Santiago: LOM.
    COÑA, Pascual (1936). Vida y costumbres de los indígenas araucanos en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, Santiago: Universitaria,
    DOMEYKO, Ignacio (1846). Araucanía i sus habitantes. Recuerdos de un viaje hecho en las provincias meridionales de Chile, en los meses de enero i febrero de 1845. Santiago: Imprenta Chilena,
    LÓPEZ VON VRIESSEN, Carlos (2011). El Palin. Juego tradicional de la Cultura Mapuche, Valparaíso: Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso.
    MATUS, Leotardo (1920). Juegos i ejercicios de los antiguos araucanos, Santiago: Universitaria.
    ÑANCULEF, Juan (1993). El palin: deporte integral mapuche, Temuco: Comunicaciones Txeg-Txeg.
    De OVALLE, Alonso (1646). Histórica relación del reino de Chile, Roma,
    ROJAS, Luis (2012). Cariño, juego y competencia. El Palin en el sector del Lago Budi. Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Antropología, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Santiago,
    De ROSALES, Diego (1877). Historia general de el Reyno de Chile, Flandes indiano (edición a cargo de Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna), Valparaíso: Imprenta del Mercurio,

    "El palin (chueca) un juego imperecedero. Bicentenario de un insólito encuentro deportivo entre los mapuche: se juegan la vida de Don Francisco de Borja José de Marán, Obispo de Concepción [1787]", Revista Perspectiva Educacional, nº 14, Valparaíso, 1988,
    "El palin o chueca de los mapuche en Chile. Contribución a la etnología del deporte", Revista Educación Física Chile, nº228, Santiago, 1992.
    "La prohibición del Palin o chueca en Chile entre los siglos XVII y XVIII", Aloma. Revista de Psicología Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport, nº 25, Barcelona, 2009
    MANQUILEF, Manuel. "Comentarios del pueblo araucano II: la jimnasia nacional (juegos, ejercicios y bailes)", Revista de Folklore Chileno Tomo IV, 1914,
    QUIROZ, Daniel. "El palín o juego de la chueca: una descripción básica", Boletín del Museo Mapuche de Cañete nº2, Ediciones DIBAM, Cañete, 1987



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