North America

Chupa Porrazo (Mexico)

Chupa Porrazo (Mexico)

  • Name of sport (game): Chupa Porrazo (Xhupa Porrazo)
  • Name in native language: Caída de Dos
  • Place of practice (continent, state, nation):

    The State of Oaxaca (the Isthmus of Tehuantepec), practiced by Zapotecs, Mexico

  • History:

    Chupa Porrazo, which in Zapotec means “two blows” or “two falls”, taking the variant of Zapotec from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, where “sucks” is “two”. The "blow" is understood as a fall or a blow. "Porrazo", however, is not a Zapotec word, but comes from Spanish. What does exist in Zapotec is the word "porra" which means knot, which can give a similarity to the keys or padlocks used in the fight.

    The origins of the Chupa Porrazo date, according to Adrián Romero Díaz, from 300 BC, a date close to the peak of the splendor of the Zapotec culture. There is even visual evidence in engravings found in the ruins of Monte Albán.

  • Description:

    The Chupa Porrazo is based on the imitation of movements of seven animals with which there is a physical and spiritual connection. The animals are the snake (bandage), the eagle (biphia), the ocelot (peye), the monkey (migu), the deer (biguina), the iguana (buxhashi) and the armadillo (gupi).

    The opponents face each other, wearing only short pants, and take hold of the belt or strap that they wear at the waist.This is done, a kind of dance begins in which each one tries to unbalance his opponent. When any of the fighters manages to unbalance the opponent, based on the weight, they execute a sacrifice turn and then fall backwards and, at the same time, place one foot on the opponent's abdomen, pulling him towards himself, thus making the other fly. over it and fall backwards. But this is not the only technique; In the practical application, the sucker blow fighter uses any support in the opponent's body (arms, waist or even the feet) to throw himself to the ground.

    The fight between two people, placed face to face, who to start the fight take hold of the girdle that they have fastened at the waist, force is used to try to unbalance the opponent, knocking him down; and doing it; touch the floor with the back, at this time the match ends, winning the one who achieved this; It is not allowed to use the legs to unbalance the opponent. For your practice; an open space with loose soil is required.

    Weapons are also assimilated, which over time were modified or replaced. We have the nayula, which is like a machete; the ichi-short, which is a pointed spear, the long-needle, a normal spear; the guiche, a sling; the dova, a rope; the gulliu, a knife; the ille wound, a stone-tipped stick and the ille, the boleadoras.

  • Current status:

    The practice of Chupa Porrazo finds its origin in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in Oaxaca, where four neighborhoods practice it: Juchitán, Ixtepec, Tehuantepec and Ixtaltepec. Tournaments are held within communities, involving both young and old.

    The Chupa Porrazo practiced by children is called Chechite Nu.

  • Sources of information :




    Source of photo in article and gallery



