Vranići (Serbia)
- Name of sport (game): Vranići
- Name in native language: Vranići (Gavranje) (Crows or Raven games)
- Place of practice (continent, state, nation):
- History:
Old shepard game. The sheperds scared the crows (or ravens) by trowing sticks in the air. Over time, it was transferred to the game.
- Description:
Number of players: 3-6; group (teams): minimum 2 teams
Props: wooden stick, 80 cm longRules and way of playing: 3 competitor for one, and 1 from rival team. Player from rival team back to air stick. This player throws his stick at least 6 m into the air, only vertically, 5 m away. Competitors from other team, trying that with own sticks, tray hit that stick. If the players miss that stick that was thrown in the air, that thrower shoots the nearest stick which is on the ground. A stick that is in air is only allowed to be shot above 3 m high. If stick is hit below 3 m, this hit is not valid.
Scoring: Each player who hits the stick in the air receives 2 points. A thrower gets 2 points if he hits the stick of a other player on the ground or catches an opposing competitor. The team that defends against the throwers gets 1 point. Points are added later.
Penalties: For a deliberate offense (hitting, holding hands or feet), the team is penaloized by deducting one point. If the thrower throws the stick 5 m away from him, in any direction, the throw is repeat. If he does it again the second time, he gets 2 negative points, and the third time he will be disqualified. If the opposing team hits the throwers stick twice in a row at a height lower than 3 m, one points is deducted from tram (the trower gets 1 point).
- Current status:
- Sources of information :
The information contained in the article comes from the following sources:
Information provided by Dr. Željko BjeljacSource of photos used in this article and gallery:
Photo provided by Dr. Željko Bjeljac - Gallery: