
Traditional Wrestling Federation of North Macedonia

Traditional Wrestling Federation of North Macedonia

Traditional Wrestling Federation of North Macedonia

Traditional Wrestling Sports Association is a non-profit organization that aims to promote traditional pelivan sport in and out of it.
The Federation of Traditional Wrestling in North Macedonia initially as the Federation has been registered since 1995 but not as active as the organization while in 2001 by the Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Macedonia this federation receives approval for sports activities and since then starts with local organizations and Interligue
At the moment, we have 15 active registered clubs with over 50 members and about 300-400 registered active athletes (pelivan) who participate in competitions organized throughout the country of the Republic of Macedonia. We support the organization of national and international tournaments and send our teams representing North Macedonia to the Balkan region and beyond. new and preserved in original form and today and to this day it has taken first place as the oldest sport in our lands and for this reason our Association TWFNM has the obligation to preserve and support it to the maximum in every settlement in every village and city we try to keep it in good shape.
In our FB profile, Traditional Wrestling Federation of North Macedonia we also promote everything about the sport of traditional wrestling and everything that is needed to promote the sport of traditional wrestling in North Macedonia.

Secretary general: Hamid Bakija
Board Director: Gadaf Ramani
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel.+389 (0)78 383 114