Kok-Boru Union is a young public organization created by public organizations from different constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the initiative of fans of national sports and kok-boru competitions.
The main goals of Kok-Boru Union are
- to develop ethno-cultural and ethno-sports movement in Russia;
- to popularize and promote ethno-sports, traditional games and competitions of the peoples of the world;
- to organize and run the competitions in horse-sports games: kok boru, tenge-lu, jigitovka, bayge and horse races, audaryspak (horse - riding struggle on belts), horse-riding archery; in national hunting triathlon: greyhounds’ sports races, contests of hunting birds, archery; in intellectual national games: mangala, torguz korgool and etc.; in national martial arts and other national sports which are an integral part of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
Kok-Boru Union is a member of the International Federation of Kok-Boru with voting rights from the teams of the Russian Federation.
Legal address: 656049, Russia, Altai region, Barnaul,
str. Chkalova, 89, apt. 216
Actual address: 656043, Russia, Altai region, Barnaul, str. International 106, of. 207
INN / KPP 2225205160/222501001 OGRN 1192225030821
Phone: +7 964 603 24 14
Website: www.kokborurf.ru