Current work:
Scientific research fellow
Geographical Institute ’’Jovan Cvijić’’ Serbian Academu of Sciences and Arts
Belgrade, Serbia
B.A. Institute of Geography, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad in 1987 (profesor of geography)
M.A Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, in 1991 ( Population geography)
Ph:D Departmant of Geography, Tourism and Hospitality, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad in 1999 (Tourism geography)
Field of interests:
Traditional sports and games, Tourism geography (event tourism), Cultural geography (intangible cultural heritage), Historical geography, Anthropogeography
Members in scientific and proffesional associations:
Association of tourismologist in Serbia; Academic council of “Sultan's Trail” European cultural route (Haarlem, Netherland) individual member of The European Association for Traditional Sports and Games; Worldwide network of Teachers and Researchers in traditional games and sports.
EU Opportunity Erasmus+ course: ‘’Fostering Social Inclusion and Gender Equality in Formal and Non formal Educational Contexts through applying Traditional Sports and Game’’ (in 2023, 1st. and 3th. module’s)
EU Erasmus + course: PROPACT (The European traditional games and sports from an intergenerational and inclusive perspective. Professional Propact
Projects (traditional sports and games, sport geography)
‘’Research, Evaluation and Documentation of Traditional Sport Games in Serbia as Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage” (in 2019, founded by Ministry of culture Republic of Serbia, leader of project)
‘’Old folk sports, games and competitions-preservation, transmission of knowledge and presentation’’ (in 2023, founded by Ministry of culture Republic of Serbia)
‘’Global Sports Events Index project’’ (Sportcal Global Communications Limited, London, Great Britain) (2012-2016)
Lectures for children’s and adults :
Traditional sports and games as element of tourist offer
- Center for culture in Kosjerić (Serbia)
- Primary school ‘’Stanoje Glavaš’’ in Glibovac, municipality Smederevska Palanka
- local community center in Bačko Gradište, municipality Bečej
Preservation transmission of knowledge –historical and geographical background of TSG in Serbia, and presentation old, forgotten traditional sports and games as intangible cultural heritage
- primary school ‘’ Dositej Obradović, Klupci, municipality of Loznica
- primary school ‘’ Vera Blagojević’’, Banja Koviljača spa
- primary school ‘’ Vuk Karadžić’’, Loznica
- Center for culture ‘’Vuk Karadžić’’ in Loznica
Research work:
Research traditional sports and games from aspect of sport geography, tourist geography (mosly as part of tourist events) and multidisciplinary as intangible cultural heritage in Serbia and around countries (former Yugoslavia geospace).