
Bruce R. Bethers, Jose A. Caracena, Gabriel García, Kazuo Ito Goshin Jutsu - Traditional Judo

Bruce R. Bethers, Jose A. Caracena, Gabriel García, Kazuo Ito Goshin Jutsu - Traditional Judo, 2019

Jeux, sports et divertissement, au Moyen Âge at à l’ Âge classique

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Jaisal Singh, Polo in India, Roli Books, 2008

Tony Collins, How Football Began, A Global History of How the World's Football Codes Were Born, Routledge 2018

Tony Collins, How Football Began, A Global History of How the World's Football Codes Were Born, Routledge 2018

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L. Gougaud, La soûle en Bretagne et les jeux similaires du Cornwall et du Pays de Galles, Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l'Ouest Année 1911 27-4 pp. 571-604 (

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Don Nardo, Arts, leisure, and sport in ancient Egypt

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Mapping of traditional sports and games (TSG) in Europe

Mapping of traditional sports and games (TSG) in Europe - Final report - Study
Published: 2016-07-18
Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (European Commission)

Pelota vasca en Cuba 1930-1960

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