Trial Kīorahi, Ki Te Upoko O, Te Ika
5014, Nowa Zelandia
Tēnā koutou e te iwi,
Kua puta anō tēnei whai i tōna rua kia rere kau ana te horotai o te ika ki waenganui i te makiu tāngata. The kaupapa of Kī o Rahi ki Te Ūpoko o Te Ika - ā - Māui is back alive and kicking.
He karanga tēnei ki te hunga ngākaunui kia rewa anō tēnei taonga tākaro. The call now goes out to all that would love to be part of this kaupapa.
We have trials planned for Dec 9th, Venue: Wainuiomata High School field. Times will vary depending on the team you'd like to trial for (see the pic). Following the trials (at a later date) the plan is to wānanga with a focus on tikanga and our tākaro. All of this will lead to a tournament in Tūrangi with games against Tūwharetoa, Kī o Rahi ki Tamaki nui a Rua, and possibly other rohe that may jump onboard too and the proposed tournament dates being Feb 11th-12th.
Please see the details and a link to the google form
Time: see the pic
Date: Dec 9th
Grades: U16's, U19's and Open Mixed
Tournament details:
Tentative dates: Feb 11th-12th, 2024
Venue: Tūrangi
Please fill in this expression of interest form and of course share ths post and get it out to everyone in Te Upoko o Te Ika
List of Dates (Page event details)
- 2023-12-09 09:00