Ruslan C Pashayev - Rutzen of Entlebuch (Lucerne, Switzerland)

Ruslan C Pashayev - Rutzen of Entlebuch (Lucerne, Switzerland)

Dear Friends,
I am happy to share with you the information about Rutzen, a traditional wrestling style of the residents of Entlebuch (Lucerne, Switzerland), which comes from the 1798 book written by F.J Stalder.

Franz Joseph Stalder (1757-1833) was a Swiss Catholic clergyman, educator and dialectologist. In his book called ‘Fragmente über Entlebuch, nebst einigen Beylagen allgemein schweizerischen Inhalts’ Vol.2 (Zurich, 1797/1798), in the chapter ‘Das Rutzen’, which is on Pages 48-58, he gives information about the traditional Swiss freestyle wrestling called Rutzen which was very popular in the District of Entlebuch (Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland) in 1700s. This comprehensive information includes not only the historical background and rules of that sport, but also features the most common techniques of that long forgotten wrestling style. Notably, in the same book on Pages 12-48 in the chapter ‘Das Schwingen’ he provides detailed information about another traditional Swiss style of wrestling, the famous Schwingen.

“Doch darinn kommen sie mit einander überein, daß derjenige den Sieg davon trågt, der seinen Gegner zweymal auf den Rücken geworfen. Auch da ist nicht nothig , daß man den Ueberwundnen in seiner demüthigen Stellung behalte; man láßt ihn gleich wieder auf stehen , und beinde , wenn sie den Kampf noch nicht geendigt, machen sich wieder auf einen neuen Ungriff gefaßt , bis einer den andern zweymal besiegt.”
“But on this they agree with each other, the winner is the one who has thrown his opponent twice on his back. Here, too, it is not necessary to keep the conquered wrestler in his humble position; you let him get up again immediately, and if they have not yet ended the fight, get ready for another attack, until one defeats the other twice.”
Kind regards,
Ruslan C Pashayev
© 2021 Ruslan C Pashayev All Rights Reserved.

First Page of the Book

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Picture from the Book