On the observance of the “International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, (A/RES/67/296) April 6th”
An International Panel on:
Impacts of Traditional Sports and Games on Global Peace and Development During and After COVID-19
Date: April 4th, 2021 | TIME: 10 a.m. – 1:00 pm EST (USA)
The Virtual panel will consist of two sessions with a special topic that focus on Impacts of Traditional Sports and Games on Global Peace and Development During and After COVID-19. These sessions are mainly to recognize “International Day of Sports for Development and Peace (April 6)”, that was accepted by the United Nation in 2013 to support the core values of United Nations 2030 Agenda on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically, for “Good Health and Well-Being” (SDG-3) and “Quality Education for All” (SDG-4).
Hosted by Organized by
Bowie State University, USA
TSG Research and Application Center, Manas University, Kyrgyzstan
In collaboration with:
The Light Millennium, New York, USA
World Ethnosport Confederation, Turkey
The National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC), Spain
North Carolina Central University, USA
Istanbul Ayvansaray University, Turkey
Institute for Sport and Education Development, Poland
Traditional Sports and Games Confederation, USA.
This forum has two components, which aims to carefully examine “How Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, specifically, in support of the International Day of Supports for Peace and Development (April 6) along with SDG#3 Good Health and Global Wellbeing and SDG#4 Quality Education for All, towards contributing to establish the direct and indispensable connection between Traditional Sports and Games and Sustainable Development Goals as a means of developing policies and implementation avenues towards contributing into the SDGs on the national, regional and global levels.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the most significant disruption to the worldwide sporting calendar, including TSG since World War II. Across the world, and to varying degrees, sporting events have been postponed or canceled. The 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo were rescheduled to 2021. The 2020 World Nomad Games have been canceled. Spectators have no games to watch and players have no games in which to compete.
Now more than ever, people have been dealing with health issues such as obesity, mental health, depression due to lengthy quarantine, and the impact of Covid-19, psychologically, socially, and physically. Though Covid-19 caused so much pain in people’s lives all over the world, it also brought an opportunity for people to recognize the importance of having a family, developing healthy eating habits, benefits of physical activity, social, physical and mental health through TSG within their community and the benefits of participating in TSG events.
With conjunction of the purpose of the SDGs, TSG facilitates intercultural dialogue and peace, reinforces youth empowerment, and promotes ethical sports practices, and serve as a means for strengthening national identity as well as promoting solidarity between nations and cultures. Therefore, TSG promotes development and peace, the understanding of contemporary cultural, societal, and sports practices, as well as, anticipates their future forms. TSG gives governments, communities, and individuals the chance to express their rich cultural pride while they enjoy participation in sports such as traditional archery and wrestling.
Concept Statement:
The United Nations have announced April 6th as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace as part of the 2030 Global Sustainable Development Goals, which was declared on Aug 23, 2013 (67/296). To celebrate this special day, a one-day High-Level Forum will take place in commemoration of the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, on April 3rd 2021.
In the UN Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 25 September 2015, the importance of sports is well-addressed for development and peace (Declaration #: 37, p.10);
“37. Sport is also an important enabler of sustainable development. We recognize the growing contribution of sport to the realization of development and peace in its promotion of tolerance and respect and the contributions it makes to the empowerment of women and of young people, individuals and communities as well as to health, education and social inclusion objectives”
So, the forum will consist of two sessions with a special topic for each with interactive sessions (Q&A) at the end of each panel. These sessions are mainly in support of the core values of Good Health and Well-Being (SDG- 3) and Quality Education (SDG-4) as it relates to the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Within the context of the Action Call “Be active, stay healthy and demonstrate solidarity during and after COVID-19”, in conjunction, how to incorporate TSG with the formal education that the forum will carefully examine how traditional sports and games can be used to contribute to the attainment of sustainable development goals in a manner that could ensure humanity at large well-being towards global peace.
The panel, which will be attended by TSG experts and governing agencies, diplomats, UN officials, and businesses in the TSG field, will explore in particular, practical actions to:
• Preserving the cultural and historical heritage and diversity of peoples through sport and games from around the world during and after Covid-19 in the era of globalization.
• Developing and promoting TSG in school settings (K-12 and higher education)
• Popularizing, developing, and promoting ethnosports at the world level, including traditional games and competitions from around the world;
• Support for the scientific and methodological foundation of the ethnosport movement, including ethnosports, traditional games, and traditional competitions;
• Strengthening and further developing interfaith and intercultural dialogue, understanding, friendship, harmony, and cooperation between the people of the world, and demonstrating the cultural diversity of the world.
• Creating a bridge and contribute towards awareness in between educators, academician, policy makers, students, families and public at large in connection with International Day of Sports for Peace and Development, SDG#3 along with, on the prevention measures, with Covid-19.
Special attention at the conference will be given to how TSG contributes to improving healthy living during and after COVID-19.
Chairman of the Panel Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr. Mehmet TÜRKMEN
Director of Traditional Sport and Games Research and Application Center,
Manas University, Kyrgyzstan
General Secretary of the Panel Organizing Committee
Asst. Prof. Adem KAYA
Sport Management, Bowie State University, Maryland, USA
Bircan ÜNVER, Founder-President of Light Millennium & Head Rep. of
The Light Millennium to the United Nations Department of Global Communication, New York, USA
Prof. Dr. Sebahattin DEVECIOGLU, Chair, Youth and Sport Committee of The Light Millennium
Opening Session
11:00 am-11:30 am
Aminta BREAUX, President of Bowie State University, USA, Welcoming Remarks - 5-7 min
Alpaslan CEYLAN, President of Manas University, Kyrgyzstan, Opening Remarks - 5-7 min
Short Bios of Panelists
Topics Short Bio
Topic: Prof. Dr. Mehmet TURKMEN, Kyrgyzstan
Director of Traditional Sport and Games Research and Application Center, Manas University, Kyrgyzstan. He managed several research projects and hosted many TSG-related international symposiums. In the last 30 years, he served as editor in several books, wrote dozens of book chapters, and published over 50 scholarly articles in international peer-reviewed journals, and hundreds of presentations at international conferences and symposiums.
Topic: Past, Present and Future of the TSG for Global Peace and Development Asst. Prof. Adem KAYA, USA
Assistant Professor in Sport Management Department at Bowie State University, Maryland, USA. Previously, he taught in Physical Education Dept at State University of New York at Cortland, NY. Prior to teaching at higher education, he worked in Public Schools and handled different responsibilities including athletic director, health and physical education teacher, and head wrestling and soccer coach. His research interests include immigrant youth development and coaching through sports, and organizational leadership in sports industry.
UN Encourages
Civil Society, Academia and Students toward incorporating with UN relevant programs: From Civil Society Perspective Bircan ÜNVER, M.A. USA
Founder-President of The Light Millennium (“LM”, 2001, NY) organization . She has been the executive producer and director of the LM since its inception and is the Head NGO representative of the Organization to the United Nations Department of Global Communications since its association (2005). She developed, produced and co-produced near to 80 various cultural and educational public events in collaborations with various NGOs, major universities such as Columbia, NYU, CUNY, Baruch, Yale, Princeton including UN Civil Society Conferences. LM’s initial Purposes, “Amended and Broadened” legally (www.lmglobal.org) effected on Dec. 17, 2017.
Topic:Contribution of Traditional Games and Sports during and after Covid-19: From words to scientific evidence.
Prof. Pere LAVEGA-BURGUÉS , Spain
He is a faculty at University of Lleida in the specialty of theory and practice of traditional games. He serve on the several journal editorial boards. Presently he serves a Deputy Director of Research at INEFC at University of Lleida (2014-...). In addition, he is a member of the academic commission of the PhD programme in physical activity and sport (PhD School of the University of Lleida, since 2014 -). Representative of the research line in traditional sports games. Director of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Learning to live together through games.
Topic: Scott WENDEL, USA
President of Traditional Sport and Games Confederation, United States. He published several TSG-related books about TSG and active. Traditional Wre-stling Experts. Writer. Physical Education Teacher in Publish School, Charlotte, NC USA
Topic: Prof. Jerono ROTICH, USA
Jerono P. Rotich is a professor and chair of Kinesiology and Recreation Administration at North Carolina Central University in Durham, North Carolina, USA. She is CEO and Founder of WOYO (Women & Youth) Global Diversity Consulting, and Founder of Kenya Students in Diaspora (KESID) Foundation. She is the current President of the Kenya Scholars and Studies Association (KESSA). She serves on the Commission of Research & Publication of ICTSG established at the 2018 UNESCO Collective Consultation on TSG. She also served as a Commissioner on the Status of Women in Guilford County, NC, USA. She is a Carnegie African Diaspora Fellow, and she serves on the editorial board of several professional journals. Her exemplary work in teaching, research, and community engagement have earned her many recognitions and awards.
Topic: Assoc. Prof. Kazimierz WALUCH, Poland
Founder and Chief Editor of www.Traditionalsports.org. . Faculty at Institute for Sport and Education Development (Poland). Editor of scientific publications and book series. Former Director of the Regional Centre for European Information in Płock, Poland. Member of the Scientific Society of Płock (Poland). Director of the Institute of Tourism in Warsaw. President of Instytut Rozwoju Sportu i Edukacji. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management at the Pawel Wlodkowic University College in Płock. He participated in a number of EU-funded projects as a coordinator, contractor and partner, and serves as member of the Editorial Board International Journal of Public Administration, Management and Economic Development.
Topic: Prospects of folk games as means improving the effectiveness of schoolchildren physical education.
Prof. Zinaida KUZNETSOVA, Russia
She is professor at Tchaikovskiy State Institute of Physical Education and Sport in the speciality theory and practice of traditional games. She serves on several journal editorial boards in Russia and Spain. Presently she serves a scientific editor of the “Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport”. She is a member of the Academic Commission of the PhD programme in physical activity and sport (PhD School of the Tchaikovskiy Institute, since 2000 - ). Representative of the research line in traditional sports games in Russia. She is a member of the World Ethnosport Confederation Dissertation Bureau, UNESCO. A member of the scientific expert commission for the World Encyclopedia on traditional sports and games publication
Malaysia Prof. Tengku KAMALDEN, Malesia
Professor and Department Head of Sport Science at Universiti Putra Malaysia
Topic: An Evaluation on the Sustainability of Traditional Sports: The Example of Traditional Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling Kadirhan ÖZDEMİR , Turkey
He completed his undergraduate degree in Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Turkish Language and Literature (2012), and his master's degree in the Department of Turkish Language and Literature in Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University (2017). He continues his doctorate education in Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, Department of Turkish Folklore. He is working as a research assistant at Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Turkish Folklore. He is writing his doctoral thesis on "Anatolian Field Turkish Wrestling in the Context of Cultural Space and Transmission".
Topic: Kenneth Tebogo Middleton, Botswana
Managing Director at Setso Games, Founder and Managing Director at Graft and President at Botswana Traditional Sports & Games Confederation
This webinar organized and presented in collaboration with:
United Nations - Sport and Physical Activity During COVID-19.
Retrieved Feb 8, 2021 https://www.un.org/en/observances/sport-day
UN Resolution-67/296. International Day of Sport for Development and Peace. United Nation.
Retrieved Feb 8, 2021 https://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/RES/67/296
UN Resolution - 70/1. Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. United Nation. Retrieved Feb 8, 2021